Happy Valentine’s Day!

I love the idea of Valentines day, a day where people express to each other how much a significant other means to them, in their own unique way. Whether that’s with a grandiose dinner at a 5 Hat restaurant with flowers, chauffeur driven limousine’s & surprise gifts or if it’s a lazy night in with your favourite movie & take out. Or if single, a big night out with your besties, celebrating your love for each other & raising your middle finger to cupid (for this year anyway)

It doesn't matter  how you express your feelings, it’s just important that you do. My personal feelings about Valentines day is that these showings of affection shouldn't be confined to one day, that every single day should be Valentines day, not just one single day of the year, you should tell those that are precious to you often that you love them, in words, with a smile, by picking up their dry cleaning, by sharing your chores & by spending time with each other, no need for grandiose showing of affection, but small heartfelt words and gestures that speak volumes for how you feel.

This year I’m spending the “day of Love” away from my gorgeous husband, as I am in Adelaide for our Pop Up at the Gilles Street markets, but that’s OK, he knows how I feel about him, how him being in my life enhances it, he knows that we are a great team &  we’ll chat on the phone & have a little catch up when I get back.

Instead I will be having an extended family dinner at Mum’s which in itself will be a love fest, being surrounded by loved ones, I don’t get to see often enough because I chose to move to another state. We will spend the catching up, eating laughing and making new memories, and that again is what is important.

If your from Adelaide or its surrounds tomorrow, come by Gilles Street Market at , Gilles St Primary 91 Gilles St, Adelaide between 10am & 4pm.

I & my merry band of helpers would LOVE to see you,

Wishing each of you a happy and love filled day 











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